Help and support

If you have any issues with your Scratchpad, require any assistance, or would like to request a new feature, please use our Issue Queue. You will need to sign up for a user account on Github.

To make it easier to view and post new issues, you can do so from within your Scratchpad using the issue tab (no Github account required). This appears on the left hand side of your Scratchpad when you are logged in.


If you have specific questions or would like advice or help in how to best set up your site, please email the Scratchpad team at

Don’t be afraid to ask ‘stupid’ questions and don’t get hung up on a problem for hours. If you are having an issue it’s very likely others will have the same issue. By asking the question you’re helping the community and it will often lead to us fixing a bug or improving our documentation.

Service updates

For downtime or performance alerts, please see our Blog or Twitter.

Our blog is also a useful source of information on Scratchpad Releases and future plans for the platform.


To help us improve this course please fill out the feedback form at