Phylogenetic tree

Scratchpads provide a custom field formatter for displaying NeXML as phylogenetic trees. NeXML is an exchange standard for representing phyloinformatic data.

This field formatter can be added to existing or custom content types - in this example we’ll use a custom *Tree content type.*

Creating a new ‘Tree’ Content Type

  1. From the Admin menu go to Structure
  2. Click Content Types then Add content type
  3. Enter a TITLE, e.g. “Tree” and click Save and add fields
  4. In the section Add new field provide a label, e.g. “Tree”
  5. Select the Field type “Long Text” then click Save
  6. Under Manage display you should set the Format to Newick/NeXML tree
  7. Under Display type choose from either Rectangular or Circular
  8. Click the Save button at the bottom left

Changing Phylogenetic Tree Display Options

  1. From the Admin menu go to Structure
  2. Click Content Types then manage display for your tree content type
  3. Set the Display type to either Rectangular or Circular

Creating a new Phylogenetic Tree

From the Admin menu go to Content > Tree > Add

In the Tree field, enter some valid neXML data. For more information and some example NeXML files, see NeXML Github.

The Training material includes an example NeXML file dogfish.nex.xml, but if you have your own NeXML data please feel free to use it.