Importing a classification

Scratchpads provides a service to import classifications from Catalogue of Life.

The names provided by this service are currently a little out of date, from 2014 and 2015, but will be updated soon.

  1. From the Admin Menu go to Import

  2. From the drop-down list select Taxonomy > Scratchpads Classification Service

  3. Select the Taxonomy

  4. Enter the root term (the highest taxon for which all children will be imported) of your classification (e.g. “Pediculus” or “Pinus”).

    If you are using the Botanical Training material, you might want to use “Liliaceae”; If Zoological “Pediculus

  5. Choose which Catalogue of Life name list to use (we’d recommend the most recent), and select Import. This will import the complete classification into the Scratchpad (and may take a few minutes, depending on the number of names to import).


    Classification import progress bar

When the import is complete, the overlay will report the number of terms created.

Viewing classification

To view your new classification and the taxon pages, close the overlay and go to the new tab with the classification’s name in the Main menu - see Viewing a classification.